Sunday, September 03, 2006


Just so it's clear, I hope anyone reading this doesn't think I'm hateful towards homosexuals or bisexuals because of my last post. I believe in loving homosexuals or bisexuals just as I love heterosexuals (in a Christian sense of course). What I do not believe in is the homosexual agenda. This is because (1) The Bible says it is wrong and (2) I have not seen any evidence that homosexuality is something that an individual is born with. As much as people (homosexuals) say they are born that way, I don't believe it. I believe there is substantial scientific evidence proving otherwise. Here is a pretty lengthy article that cites a lot of evidence against a homosexual gene: I've also heard many people say that "there is no heterosexual gene either" but I think the fact that approximately 98% of the world's population is heterosexual is enough proof to not find a heterosexual gene. In addition to that, the undisputable fact that homosexuals cannot reproduce by natural means is enough proof for me. In my opinion, homosexuality and bisexuality has strictly to do with the individual's behavior and not their genetic makeup.

Remember. . . hate the sin, but love the sinner.


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